We give thanks for good work in a difficult time.

We at Broad Street are proud of everything we publish, and we wish we could nominate all of it for every award out there. Alas, we can choose only a handful. For Best of the Net, some nominees come from our Summer/Fall 2019 “Birth, School, Work, Death” issue, some from our 2020 Pandemonium Blog. All of them come from the heart. Why not give them a read or a re-read right now?
“I Got Grown,” a memoir by Joe Milan, Jr.: A young man begins work where others’ lives end.
“On learning that I should sacrifice myself for the good of the public,” by Lise Haines: from the author’s COVID journals.
“Pandemic Vices,” a memoir by Colleen Curran: Old habits come back.
“Parenting in the Negative,” an essay by Will Stockton: On deficits in the adoption of an older child.
“Hide & Seek,” by Carol Matos.
“Losing Babies,” by Margaret Rogal.
“[sanctuary],” a poem by Frederick Ramey.
“Singing Lauridsen’s ‘Lux Aeterna’ in the First Rehearsal,” by Stuart Gunter.

Featured image by Isabell Hubert Lyall.