It starts with a small thing and the cure is elusive: “The Science Isn’t Settled on Chronic Lyme,” by Maya Dusenbery and Julie Rehmeyer on
Caused by bacteria from a tiny tick bite, Lyme Disease is the very definition of a small thing with (at best) a partial cure for most people–especially women, who are often dismissed instead of treated. The authors explain the dangers of both the disease and its reception in the medical community. Read “The Science...
Pop Culture Pulse: Yes, “Sex and the City” is 20 years old … and here are a few thoughts about that.
From liberal to conservative, fun-and-fluffy features to cultural studies and a star’s campaign for governor: We’ve collected links to features from slick magazines, small web publishers, and assorted fans and critics. Pour yourself a Cosmo and start clicking. Perhaps you’ve heard? The cultural juggernaut known as Sex and the City — a TV series and two follow-up films — turned...