Family Laundry: “The Weight of Smoke,” by Luanne Castle.
“What was beautiful to the sight felt like a flaw to the touch …” An online exclusive. The Paake children in the fire, all grown up . Front row: Theresa and Cora. Back: Frances, George, Jr., and Jennie (Jane). Note the watch that Cora is wearing. In the fourth installment of this series, Luanne Castle chronicles a devastating fire...
Family Laundry: “More Burials,” by Luanne Castle.
“Far from the cemetery here in Zwammerdam, far from the hole they have already begun to dig …” A Dutch orphan survives abuse, emigrates to America, and dies of malaria while fighting in Cuba–all within twenty-one years. This third installment of the “Family Laundry” series sees Luanne Castle imagining a mother, long deceased, writing her son’s...
Family Laundry: “An Account of a Poor Oil Stove Bought off Dutch Pete,” by Luanne Castle.
“She and the fire column in movement, she forward. It spins upward a hallucinatory dance…” BROAD STREET presents the first installment of a series tracing Luanne Castle’s ancestry in poems and short prose — with photographs, newspaper clippings, and other source materials: the small things from which Luanne has pieced together family history.The poem itself can be...
“Here at 817 West Broad”: American history recorded in a single block of a Broad Street. By Harry Kollatz, Jr.
“That’s part of researching’s charm—I live as a time traveler …” Above: used postcard, c. 1911, showing part of Richmond’s Broad Street. * Editors’ note: When we started to plan the “Maps & Legends” issue, we got curious about the legends that might adhere to the building in which this magazine and a variety...