“Screaming at the Brooklyn Bridge,” a poem by Mari Pack.
Nobody wants to live with a corpse … Screaming at the Brooklyn Bridge After Robert Lowell’s “Waking in the Blue” * I weigh one hundred and five pounds after my New York breakfast of vanilla Soylent, all I can keep down these days, thanks to the anti-depressant. I swallow it, beige smoothie, every four to six hours....

“On Giving Up Antidepressants During a Pandemic,” an essay by Kirsten Parkinson.
The author goes meds-free when the world is having a major depressive episode. “Maybe depression is a normal response to a global pandemic. We don’t really have benchmarks for such an event. If I get down, what can I use to help me bounce back?” * I do not plan to cry. I am lying on...

“Amazon Package,” a poem by Mari Pack.
What to do with what we have ordered. “I said, Fix me.” Amazon Package . I wanted a thing in the shape of a Yom Kippur fast, smelling of hands clasped in anguish. I bought it online. The package slid up and down in various directions . on black belts in one of Amazon’s famous fulfillment centers...

Online Exclusive: “Such a Beautiful Tomb,” by Charlotte Simmonds … on looking out of the tomb, rather than into it.
“Even ifs have breath when empty tombs do not. Even ifs laugh or sob with me or tap me on the shoulder, as you do this minute now, my rational friend …” Telecoms box, Jerusalem, 2014. Photo by the author. Such a Beautiful Tomb One day someone told me a story. It was a story...