Dream Architecture: Big Houses
Prose poem by Judith Serin, art by Masami Inoue. I often dream of houses so big I must explore them. I discover boxes of old treasures, toys in a small room downstairs, a high balcony near the ceiling circled with statues and trunks of shiny dresses. Often they incorporate parts of my childhood house...
Dream Architecture: Outside/In
Dream Architecture: Outside/In Part 4 of the Dream Geographies collaboration between poet Judith Serin and visual artist Masami Inoue. Herbert and I are in a large room, sleeping in separate beds. A weed with prickly leaves and purple yarrow-like flowers grows next to the foot of mine. I’m afraid the prickles...

Dream Architecture: New Views
Part 3 of the Dream Geographies collaboration between poet Judith Serin and artist Masami Inoue. My husband–an unfamiliar dream husband—has bought us a large white stucco house. At first I think it’s dull. But outside along a wall of round dark stones I discover a path to a beach. There’s hardly any sand—perhaps the tide is high—and people...