Truth Teller Spotlight – Susann Cokal
Aside from her role as the Editorial Director of Broad Street Magazine, Susann Cokal also wears hats as historical novelist, pop-culture essayist, book critic, and professor of creative writing and modern literature at Virginia Commonwealth University. In addition to her three published novels, Cokal has published fiction and nonfiction in Electric Literature, Gargoyle, The Cincinnati Review, The Journal, Hayden’s...

Contributor (and editor) Susann Cokal’s third book receives praise and treats. Read interviews about “The Kingdom of Little Wounds” here.
“Nothing has value until it is given away or stolen.” “In the darkness, fear my light.” —By Jamal Stone Broad Street is excited to see the final copy of our very own Susann Cokal‘s latest book, The Kingdom of Little Wounds. Set in the Scandinavian city of Skyggehavn (Skü-geh-hown, rhymes with “down”) during the Renaissance, the...