Family Laundry: “Someone Else’s Story,” by Luanne Castle.
An online exclusive. “… a young mother whose husband was involved in a catastrophic accident and had to be institutionalized.” In the sixth installment of this series exploring family history and its conversion into a faithful narrative, Luanne Castle reconstructs the life of a distant relation on her grandmother’s side, a woman whose resilience in the...

Interview: The Tiny Paradise of Rebecca M. J. Hymes, Miniaturist.
“I really believe that when the body is in pain — whether it is physically, emotionally, or mentally — we become our most creative.” Rebecca at work. Rebecca M. J. Hymes is a painter of miniature masterworks, an international artist with a special flair for ocean scenes that capture the depth and motion of water....

Genealogy of a Poet: Introducing Luanne Castle’s “Family Laundry” series.
“The poem felt so right to me that I decided to take my research, add to it, and write poems and creative nonfiction about my ancestors…” Castle’s new series digs deep into her family’s past for historical persona poems. A poem and related archival materials will appear on BROAD STREET’s site every Friday till the...

Family Laundry: “What Came Between a Woman and Her Duties,” by Luanne Castle.
“In the past, Mrs. Culver has been aided and abetted by her female friends in the art of painting …” Jennie DeKorn Culver, the author’s great-great-aunt, lived c. 1861–1947. BROAD STREET presents the second installment of a series tracing Luanne Castle’s ancestry in poems and short prose — with photographs, newspaper clippings, and other source materials: the small...

Spotlight Interview: Erica Hoverter, Mosaic Artist.
“The excitement I feel when I walk by a shimmering glass mosaic … when the light changes, the feeling changes — it’s living glass. It’s beautiful, and one of the most satisfying materials to work with.” “Scheherazade,” detail. Mixed media, 2006. Erica Hoverter became a mosaic artist in 2002, after a back injury put her previous career in physical therapy on...