Share This Poem: “We Did It,” by Yehuda Amichai, translated by Robert Alter. From Issue 1.1, “Dangerous Territory.”
“We did it like the wheel-shaped angels and the holy beasts and the divine chariot of the prophets …” To read and print this piece as a broadside, drag the image to your desktop. Or scroll down to read a little more about the poem and then find it in plain text. *********************************************************************************** Yehuda Amichai’s...

Share This Poem: “Accident,” by Christine Gelineau.
“I too have confused what was just beginning with what had already reached its end…” BROAD STREET presents a poem by the indomitable Christine Gelineau, specially formatted as a broadside you can download and print. Christine’s full-length collections of poetry are Crave, Appetite for the Divine, and Remorseless Loyalty. “Accident” originally appeared in our “Hunt, Gather” issue. ********************************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************************************************...

Share This Poem: “Death Dance to the Stars (A Dream),” by Stuart Gunter.
“I am not meant to be here and I am dying on the way to my own funeral …” February weather may play tricks on us, and so (surprise!) can death. Your gift for the post-Valentine winding-down of our shortest month: this broadside featuring a remarkable poem by Stuart Gunter. Download to print the dance...

Share This Poem: “Suitor,” by Ron Smith
We are pleased to present a poem from our latest issue, “Maps & Legends.” Here Ron Smith imagines one of the most legendary courtships in American history. Whose courtship, you ask? Hint: Mount Vernon has requested a copy. “Suitor” is formatted as a broadside in two layouts. Ron Smith recently served as the...

“Dream Ocean”: a collaboration between poet Judith Serin and artist Masami Inoue.
“Here Betsy bobs in the ice-rimmed water with several other swimmers, lined up like racers at the edge of a pool…” In keeping with our “Maps & Legends” seasonal theme, BROAD STREET presents the next dreamy collaboration between poet Judith Serin and artist Masami Inoue. Serin’s actual dreams point to reality in some uncharted territory that Inoue’s watercolors begin to...