flar-fall-2016Ever wonder what goes into producing a print magazine and keeping it in the public eye during the internet age?  How about the ways a website and a print organ can support each other?

So glad you asked!  And glad, too, that A. E. Bayne of  Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review sat down for a chat about those very topics with our editorial director, Susann Cokal.

Read it for  SECRETS ABOUT OUR EDITORIAL PROCESS and the way we marry print and e-presence, as well as our methods for mentoring student editors and helping them get a leg up into professional positions.

FLAR is one of our favorite publications, and not just because they like us back.  Visit FLAR online to download the new fall 2016 issue with this interview–or read online–or order a copy in print.  You’ll want to savor the art and literature that Bayne features there, and be sure to check out the interview (we’re pages 142+).


Shout-outs and name-drops to contributors and staff members: Gregory Weatherford, Chad Hunt, Paloma Young,  Yehuda Amichai, Chad Luibl, Thomas E. Kennedy, Walter Cummins, Deborah Jiang-Stein, Matthew Phipps, Amira Pierce, Abby Otte, Jamal Stone, Lee Strasburger, Marylen Grigas, Robert Alter, Roland Coffey, Riley MacAlpine-Barthold, Matheson Cartwright, Bradley Dicharry, Sara Talpos, Lea Marshall, Rachel Moyle Beanland, TyRuben Ellingson, and more! We wish only that we could have squeezed in even more names.  Special thanks to Steve Watkins–and thanks again to Amy!
