Adieu, and Be Well … Broad Street is now closed.
One last time, and forever, we thank all of our contributors, our readers, our boards, and our editorial staff over the last almost-decade. We had a great run and published so much of which we are deeply proud. We started laying plans in 2011 with a dream and a shoestring budget from the local university’s...

News: “Ghosts of the Walldogs,” by Michael Griffith, was named Notable in this year’s Best American Essays.
Congratulations to Michael Griffith! If you haven’t read his fantastic piece about advertising and the way it shapes us … and has made its mark on the architecture around Cincinnati … take a look now! Lavishly illustrated and part of Michael’s latest book, due out next year. Read “Ghosts of the Walldogs” here. *...

Contributor News: Judith Sara Gelt’s first memoir is published.
“A powerful and heartrending story of personal recovery.” —Kirkus Reviews Judith Sara Gelt’s essay “A Pious Fraud” appeared in our very first issue, Dangerous Territory. Now her memoir, Reckless Steps Toward Sanity, has been published by University of New Mexico Press. We’ll let the publisher describe it: At sixteen Judith Sara Gelt finally rebels after spending years watching her...

Our Pushcart Prize nominees from 2019 … Read them all here.
We love everything we publish. As always, it was very hard to choose only six nominees. That said, we congratulate and applaud six fine writers–take the chance to give their work a read now. Colleen Curran, “We Were Working Moms” Michael Griffith, “Ghosts of the Wall Dogs” Lise Haines, “Seek and Hide Again” Joe...

Contributor News: Susann Cokal wins Gemini Magazine Fiction Prize for a story about J. Marion Sims.
Susann Cokal, who contributed “Making Friends with Midge” to our first issue–and who serves as Broad Street‘s Editorial Director–won the Gemini Magazine 2019 Fiction Prize for her story “A Spoon Will Catch the Dark Girls’ Pain.” – “A Spoon Will Catch” is a look at the life of J. Marion Sims, often called the Father of Modern...