Spotlight Interview: A. W. Barnes, memoirist.
Andrew (A. W.) Barnes’s book of essays, The Dark Eclipse: Reflections on Suicide and Absence, debuts with Bucknell University Press on December 14, 2018. It includes “Familial Bodies,” published in Broad Street’s online iteration. The publisher describes The Dark Eclipse as “personal essays in which A. W. Barnes seeks to come to terms with the...

“Familial Bodies,” on a brother’s suicide and a father’s scorn. Memoir by A. W. Barnes.
A father’s harsh words about a gay son’s suicide echo down the decades. A Broad Street online exclusive. “Anyone who lives this way deserves to die this way,” he said, looking directly at me … One day in October 1993, I met my parents at the Medical Examiner’s office on 30th Street and First Avenue...

Family Laundry: “Someone Else’s Story,” by Luanne Castle.
An online exclusive. “… a young mother whose husband was involved in a catastrophic accident and had to be institutionalized.” In the sixth installment of this series exploring family history and its conversion into a faithful narrative, Luanne Castle reconstructs the life of a distant relation on her grandmother’s side, a woman whose resilience in the...

Presenting our 2018 Pushcart Prize nominees …
At BROAD STREET, we celebrate each word we publish. Choosing nominees during awards season is never easy, but here are six outstanding pieces from 2018 — with thanks to everyone who has helped us bring great true stories to the world this year. Photograph by Roger Camp: Stuffed mice in a Parisian shop window. You can sample the...