Author Archive
"Dream Geographies: Dog Walking," by Judith Serin and Masami Inoue

“Dream Geographies: Dog Walking,” by Judith Serin and Masami Inoue

  “It is the pleasure of the mystery that I keep with me into the day…” In keeping with our “Maps & Legends” seasonal theme, BROAD STREET  presents the next dreamy collaboration between poet Judith Serin and artist Masami Inoue … Serin’s actual dreams point to reality in some uncharted territory that Inoue’s watercolors begin to map.  ...
"Dream Geography:  A Sense of Direction," by Judith Serin and Masami Inoue.

“Dream Geography: A Sense of Direction,” by Judith Serin and Masami Inoue.

“Here I am with a group of people trying to find a man for a young woman….” In keeping with our “Maps & Legends” seasonal theme, BROAD STREET presents the next dreamy collaboration between poet Judith Serin and artist Masami Inoue.  Serin’s actual dreams point to reality in some uncharted territory that Inoue’s watercolors begin to map.   A Sense...
Share This Poem:  "A Hypochondriac's Guide to the Body," by Marylen Grigas.

Share This Poem: “A Hypochondriac’s Guide to the Body,” by Marylen Grigas.

Never mind discussing what is and isn’t postmodern, let’s discuss postnasal ….   BROAD STREET presents another in Marylen Grigas’s series of poems about loss, love, illness, and putting it all together again–illustrated by Riley McAlpine-Barthold.  Click above to see the poem in a printer-friendly, larger-font version, or scroll down past the bylines for plain text. Marylen Grigas is...
Our "Maps & Legends" issue is everywhere!  Take a tour with some samples of our contents here.

Our “Maps & Legends” issue is everywhere! Take a tour with some samples of our contents here.

Our hot summer issue, “Maps & Legends,” has landed in subscribers’ hands, delivering fresh worlds’ worth of true stories: Encounter the South-glancing Fitzgeralds, Chinese revolutions both Cultural and capitalist, prison heroin experiments, the courtship of George Washington, a young life spent traveling rivers in over fifty lands, and a cinematic effects artist who has helped create the geography of dreamy...
Grieving (and celebrating) Marylen Grigas.

Grieving (and celebrating) Marylen Grigas.

We’re sad to say that one of our favorite poets, Marylen Grigas, passed away on February 14.  She had lung cancer when we discovered her, and we rushed her poems to the website–with wonderful line drawings by her niece, Riley McAlpine-Berthold.  Take some time to read her poems now, and her Truth Teller Spotlight, in...