“It’s a Pandemic. You’ll Have to Change the Way You Do Things,” by Ramona Grigg.
Rationing, self-discipline … It’s not as if we’ve never done it before. “We weren’t sitting on our hands waiting for something to happen, we were a force. We had it in us to make simple sacrifices that ultimately made the difference.” Photo by Tobias Freeman on Unsplash. I don’t have to tell you we’re in the midst...

From the COVID Journals of Lise Haines.
On learning that she should sacrifice herself for the good of the public. pikrepo.com On the television this morning, an idea was floated with great sincerity. I could sacrifice myself for the public good. If anyone had to get sick or starve or die from a lack of oxygen, I was the right candidate. There is...

“No One Ever Waves Back,” by Joe Milan, Jr.
Walking a baby through a British wood and a pandemic. “It was a long, windy, and wet winter like all British winters, which are best described by inhabitants as ‘utter shit.’ These winters inspire people to emerge from their homes and risk the pandemic to feel this shock of spring sun.” A mature sweet chestnut...

“Disruption,” by Miranda Perrone: Environmental activism in isolation.
“Our own reckoning with temptation is underway…” Jay Phagan, flickr. Quarantine immobilizes our protests; planned demonstrations fall away like butterflies in a strong wind. In quarantine we are disembodied. Almost overnight, our go-to tactics — a rally here, a sit-in there — are no longer options. For decades, we have agitated in one form or another for disruption. Emissions are...

“Nothing Like a Pandemic,” by George Choundas.
Chess, mooning, candy shopping: A kid grows up in family isolation. “It’s like losing a tennis match to someone who calls her racket a thingie.” Day X I teach Claire chess. She’s nine. After example moves, and a few trial runs, we play a full game. I don’t give 100%. I don’t roll over, either....