“Going Home in the New Normal,” an essay by Joe Milan, Jr.
A young family takes a risk to return from abroad. “In the last few years, when I’ve gone abroad it has become an increasingly bigger test of courage to state I’m from the U.S.” The New York Times maintains an interactive daily global virus tracker at https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/world/coronavirus-maps.html. Shortly before leaving England, I took my daughter to our...

Contributor News: Judith Sara Gelt’s first memoir is published.
“A powerful and heartrending story of personal recovery.” —Kirkus Reviews Judith Sara Gelt’s essay “A Pious Fraud” appeared in our very first issue, Dangerous Territory. Now her memoir, Reckless Steps Toward Sanity, has been published by University of New Mexico Press. We’ll let the publisher describe it: At sixteen Judith Sara Gelt finally rebels after spending years watching her...

“Bygones — begun on his father’s centenary,” a poem by Frederick Ramey.
“… ‘really’ may not matter now (when ruddy Truth isn’t true) if you see how little meaning means, see the way they mean you to …” —————- To enjoy this feature as a broadside, drag the images to your desktop–or read the plain text below. ———- bygones — begun on his father’s centenary One-hundredth anniversaries roll by...

“No One Ever Waves Back,” by Joe Milan, Jr.
Walking a baby through a British wood and a pandemic. “It was a long, windy, and wet winter like all British winters, which are best described by inhabitants as ‘utter shit.’ These winters inspire people to emerge from their homes and risk the pandemic to feel this shock of spring sun.” A mature sweet chestnut...

“Nothing Like a Pandemic,” by George Choundas.
Chess, mooning, candy shopping: A kid grows up in family isolation. “It’s like losing a tennis match to someone who calls her racket a thingie.” Day X I teach Claire chess. She’s nine. After example moves, and a few trial runs, we play a full game. I don’t give 100%. I don’t roll over, either....