
Contributor News: Susann Cokal wins Gemini Magazine Fiction Prize for a story about J. Marion Sims.
Susann Cokal, who contributed “Making Friends with Midge” to our first issue–and who serves as Broad Street‘s Editorial Director–won the Gemini Magazine 2019 Fiction Prize for her story “A Spoon Will Catch the Dark Girls’ Pain.” – “A Spoon Will Catch” is a look at the life of J. Marion Sims, often called the Father of Modern...

“We Were Working Moms.” An essay by Colleen Curran from “Rivals & Players.”
“Then we picked it up again. To begin the elaborate game. Of working motherhood …” Broad Street presents a feature from our Winter/Spring 2019 issue, “Rivals & Players.” Bees and pollen in artificial honeycomb. Photo by Chad Hunt. “We Were Working Moms.” By Colleen Curran We were always running around. Packing school lunches while trying to get dressed for...

Family Laundry: “Half-Naked Woman Found Dead,” by Luanne Castle.
“As a writer, I felt a responsibility to tell her story, which is important to the history of women …” An online exclusive. In the fifth installment of this series exploring family history and how to turn it into truthful narrative, Luanne Castle takes on a series of bizarre and tragic incidents in the life of one...

Pop Culture Pulse: Yes, “Sex and the City” is 20 years old … and here are a few thoughts about that.
From liberal to conservative, fun-and-fluffy features to cultural studies and a star’s campaign for governor: We’ve collected links to features from slick magazines, small web publishers, and assorted fans and critics. Pour yourself a Cosmo and start clicking. Perhaps you’ve heard? The cultural juggernaut known as Sex and the City — a TV series and two follow-up films — turned...

“My Life in Pantyhose,” from Writers on the Job, by Susann Cokal.
“I used to counsel young women never to do two things, or not to do them in conjunction: 1. learn to type; 2. buy pantyhose.” Could we talk to you about pantyhose? Or rather — could our editorial director, Susann Cokal, talk about them? Below, you’ll find the link to an essay about their storied past, their...