Contributor News: Susann Cokal has a new novel, Mermaid Moon.
Susann Cokal, our editorial director, has published a new young adult novel with Candlewick Press. The concept: In the far northern reaches of civilization, a mermaid leaves the sea to look for her land-dwelling mother among people as desperate for magic and miracles as they are for life and love. The book has garnered early...

Contributor News: Harry Kollatz, Jr., publishes a novel.
Harry Kollatz, Jr., who wrote about our former office’s very own block of Broad Street in Richmond, Virginia, has now published his first novel: Carlisle Montgomery. Carlisle is “six-foot-five, redheaded, pigtailed, gap-and-buck-toothed, nine-fingered, guitar-playing,” and thoroughly beguiling as she launches a musical career in the 1990s, somewhere between grunge and Garth Brooks. She is brought to...

Spotlight Interview with Kat Meads: Part 2, on the peculiarity of hybrid forms.
“I think this is a terrific time to be writing and submitting work that blurs boundaries and genres.” It’s also a good time to check in with master of many genres Kat Meads, who contributed “Leaving the House” to Broad Street’s “Maps & Legends” issue. She has just published a new book, Miss Jane: The Lost...

Contributor News: Caitlin Hamilton Summie Takes Silver in the Indie Awards.
BROAD STREET congratulates Caitlin Hamilton Summie, whose 2017 book, To Lay to Rest Our Ghosts, just earned the Silver Medal for Short Stories in the Forewords Review Indie Awards series. “10 stories, 1 book, 25 years in the making …” After decades in publishing, where she carved out a niche as one of the industry’s top publicists and marketing...