Contributor News: Susann Cokal has a new novel, Mermaid Moon.
Susann Cokal, our editorial director, has published a new young adult novel with Candlewick Press. The concept: In the far northern reaches of civilization, a mermaid leaves the sea to look for her land-dwelling mother among people as desperate for magic and miracles as they are for life and love. The book has garnered early...

“1–800–441–9402,” a poem by Sue Chenette.
Working the airwaves and the phones. “… their ‘before’ photos not much different from my own face glimpsed in the mirror …” To enjoy this feature as a broadside, drag it to your desktop and enlarge or print … Or simply scroll down to read the poem in plain text. 1–800–441–9402 Road-bleary still, sluggish after short sleep, wondering if...

“Midge’s Bite,” a memoir by Donna Lynn Marsh. Art by Gale Rothstein.
Childhood fears swell into adult insecurities. A rulebook. “There is something attractive in the intense itch, something satisfying in the scratching that I cannot resist. I know this makes it worse, makes it last longer, but sometimes, I can’t stop, can’t help it.” Gale Rothstein, “She Dreams of Her Disappointing LIfe that MIght Have Been, Then...

“The First Cry,” a memoir by Marjorie Pryse.
Birth, separation, symbiosis. “No one knows what actually triggers the onset of labor — the moment when at least the mother becomes conscious that her infant might begin to have a life that she cannot predict or even necessarily share.” Photograph by Chad Hunt. Art by Isadora Hunt. 0 This feature is also available, in...

“We Were Working Moms.” An essay by Colleen Curran from “Rivals & Players.”
“Then we picked it up again. To begin the elaborate game. Of working motherhood …” Broad Street presents a feature from our Winter/Spring 2019 issue, “Rivals & Players.” Bees and pollen in artificial honeycomb. Photo by Chad Hunt. “We Were Working Moms.” By Colleen Curran We were always running around. Packing school lunches while trying to get dressed for...