creativity / current events / life in 10 minutes / loss / love / quarantine / quarantine / spirituality / Writing
“Forced Surrender,” by Valley Haggard. Digging deep in quarantine and recovery.
“… you have to start to take it one day, one hour, one minute at a time just like you did in the first days of sobriety and childbirth and your very own brand-new unfamiliar life.” . When the gratitude lists and the shit lists are coming faster than you can write them down. When...

Contributor News: Susann Cokal has a new novel, Mermaid Moon.
Susann Cokal, our editorial director, has published a new young adult novel with Candlewick Press. The concept: In the far northern reaches of civilization, a mermaid leaves the sea to look for her land-dwelling mother among people as desperate for magic and miracles as they are for life and love. The book has garnered early...

Spotlight Interview: A. W. Barnes, memoirist.
Andrew (A. W.) Barnes’s book of essays, The Dark Eclipse: Reflections on Suicide and Absence, debuts with Bucknell University Press on December 14, 2018. It includes “Familial Bodies,” published in Broad Street’s online iteration. The publisher describes The Dark Eclipse as “personal essays in which A. W. Barnes seeks to come to terms with the...

Family Laundry: “Someone Else’s Story,” by Luanne Castle.
An online exclusive. “… a young mother whose husband was involved in a catastrophic accident and had to be institutionalized.” In the sixth installment of this series exploring family history and its conversion into a faithful narrative, Luanne Castle reconstructs the life of a distant relation on her grandmother’s side, a woman whose resilience in the...