creativity / cultural studies / current events / essays / History / hospital / illness / loss / love / medicine / submissions
Desperate times, new measures: Broad Street’s Pandemonium Blog.
We feel the need to do something. We make masks, we donate money, we protest and demonstrate … and still our spirits yearn for more. Solidarity and fellow-feeling, the companionship of … what we have, which is a computer screen, where most of us are glued all day and night. But there are people...

“Waiting,” from the COVID journals of Patricia Smith.
On waiting — and moving forward — in a pandemic. “Experience tells me the world is not always a safe place, and yet — “ I know there should be a holiness in waiting. In learning to be still, to learn the lesson that we are not in control. This is, after all, what advent is all about. We wait and...

creativity / current events / life in 10 minutes / loss / love / quarantine / quarantine / spirituality / Writing
“Forced Surrender,” by Valley Haggard. Digging deep in quarantine and recovery.
“… you have to start to take it one day, one hour, one minute at a time just like you did in the first days of sobriety and childbirth and your very own brand-new unfamiliar life.” . When the gratitude lists and the shit lists are coming faster than you can write them down. When...

“Hide & Seek,” a poem by Carol Matos. A child is a galaxy.
“I follow your trail, the scent of morning dreams sliding into awake …” This feature is available, in slightly different format, on Medium. To enjoy this poem as a broadside, drag the image to your desktop and print or expand it. Or just scroll down and read it as plain text. sk k Hide & Seek – From...

“Seek and Hide Again”: an essay on the adult dating years. By Lise Haines.
“I telegraphed to the world that I was ready to meet someone …” A feature from our “Rivals & Players” issue, with photographs by the author. Parisian graffiti. Photo by the author. Seek and Hide Again By Lise Haines * A man told me on our first date, over roast chicken and Chardonnay, that he’d grown a beard so...