Issue 1.1 : Step into “Dangerous Territory” with Broad Street.
by broadstreetmag on Mar 8, 2015 • 8:44 am No CommentsOh, do we love stories. We need them. Who doesn’t?
That’s right.
Broad Street exists to present great true stories.
Stories make sense of the world, examine it from slant angles, give it feeling. They show it for what it is; they make it better. They endure.
Just as there’s a Broad Street in most cities around the globe, there are fascinating tales waiting to be told at home and abroad. Finding the truly special stories and their tellers is our mission, and we step boldly forward with our very first issue, not-so-coincidentally themed “Dangerous Territory.”
* This issue is sold out–but–
You can take a video tour of the contents here. You’ll recognize bits of art and text from some of the good people below. Many of the issue’s features are now online, so please click wherever you see a link.
The True Stories
My Little Pony | Tama Janowitz
At the Bar with the Hate Camel | Shalom Auslander
The Lives of Strangers | Paisley Rekdal
Satellites | Lea Marshall
Making Friends with Midge | Susann Cokal
A Pious Fraud | Judith Sara Gelt
That’s How It Is Now | Poems by Yehuda Amichai, translation and introduction by Robert Alter
The Vivid Art
Charlie (cover) | Chad Hunt
Fist | Robert C. Wright
Buddy Patrol | Josh George
Model Midge | Tyler Darden
Mother Midge | Tyler Darden (see above)
There Are Angels Living on the Roof of My House | Lee Strasburger (above)
Ghosting Home | Chad Hunt 
In the Grass | Ally Hodges
Portrait of Jeanette Winterson | Shawn Yu
All-Seeing | Tyler Darden
The Provocative Interview
It’s Always Some Battle | Jeanette Winterson
Images featured above:
Charlie, Chad Hunt
Mother Midge, Tyler Darden
There Are Angels Living on the Roof of My House, Lee Strasburger
Portrait of Jeanette Winterson, Shawn Yu

True stories, honestly.