Truth Teller Spotlight: Julie Anderson, memoir and cultural reportage.
“Good writing is honest writing, but honesty is hard to come by.” Julie Anderson contributed the essay (a combination of memoir and reportage) “It Cannot Be Conceived: American Idealists in Two Chinese Revolutions, Cultural and Capitalist” to our “Maps & Legends” issue. Her essays and stories have appeared in The Gettysburg Review, Writers on the Job,...

From the Department of New Releases
Time to browse the New Pages virtual “magazine rack” for new releases … Oh, look! There we are! Read about our latest issue and other fine magazines that have landed this month. And meanwhile, contemplate photo by Mark Wyatt, taken in Beijing in 1990. It accompanies Julie Anderson’s essay, “It Cannot Be Conceived,” which concerns idealistic...

Summer 2016: “Maps & Legends”
OVERTURE: Every map represents both truth and imagination. No matter how carefully a medieval ship’s captain described a shoreline or how sophisticated a modern engineer’s tools, there is always space left for interpretation: “Here there be dragons”; “Somewhere beyond this line lies the kingdom of Prester John.” These are the mapmakers’ truths, but no one...