Share This Poem: “Suitor,” by Ron Smith
We are pleased to present a poem from our latest issue, “Maps & Legends.” Here Ron Smith imagines one of the most legendary courtships in American history. Whose courtship, you ask? Hint: Mount Vernon has requested a copy. “Suitor” is formatted as a broadside in two layouts. Ron Smith recently served as the...

Art / Culture / Interview / memoir / News / photography / poetry / pop culture / psychology / travel
Our “Maps & Legends” issue is everywhere! Take a tour with some samples of our contents here.
Our hot summer issue, “Maps & Legends,” has landed in subscribers’ hands, delivering fresh worlds’ worth of true stories: Encounter the South-glancing Fitzgeralds, Chinese revolutions both Cultural and capitalist, prison heroin experiments, the courtship of George Washington, a young life spent traveling rivers in over fifty lands, and a cinematic effects artist who has helped create the geography of dreamy...

Truth Teller in the Spotlight: Ron Smith.
“I say: Tell the truth and make it sing … Every time you write, do it flat out. Don’t try to be perfect. Try to be significant. Try to whack (or seduce) your reader with the truth in every line…” When we published our 2015 issue, “Maps & Legends,” former Virginia poet laureate Ron Smith was...