Online Exclusive: “Mad Heat Be Praised,” by Kat Meads.
“Mad Heat Be Praised” An excerpt from Miss Jane: The Lost Years. “Has mad heat created Zombie Jane?” Kat Meads, who contributed “Leaving the House” to Broad Street’s “Maps & Legends” issue, bids adieu to summer swelter with an excerpt from her latest book combining women’s studies and fiction, Miss Jane: The Lost Years. A native...

“My Life in Pantyhose,” from Writers on the Job, by Susann Cokal.
“I used to counsel young women never to do two things, or not to do them in conjunction: 1. learn to type; 2. buy pantyhose.” Could we talk to you about pantyhose? Or rather — could our editorial director, Susann Cokal, talk about them? Below, you’ll find the link to an essay about their storied past, their...