“Aurora Borealis,” a stroll with Harry Kollatz, Jr., through Nature, Disaster, Memory.
“These days, the natural world around us is magnificent as a Baroque painting adorned by blooms and birdsong …” “The summer of 1914 would have been memorable for us even without the doom which it spread over the European earth,” author Stefan Zweig recalled in his book The World of Yesterday. “Throughout the days and nights...

“We Are Operating Blindly in Much of the Country,” by Leslie Hayes, MD.
In the first entry in Broad Street‘s new blog about the pandemic, a doctor explains problems in testing for COVID-19. “Because physicians weren’t able to test these patients, most states missed noticing when the disease started to have community spread.” https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/testing.html I belong to several groups of health care workers focusing on issues around COVID-19....