Images of the Secret Self: Chad Hunt’s Halloween Portraits.
In which a world-famous photojournalist turns his lens on the neighborhood children as they live their dreams on one magical night …. Chad Hunt is one of BROAD STREET’s favorite people, as anyone who has picked up a copy of the magazine can tell. He’s a prizewinning photo journalist whose work has run...

“The Amazing Kolb Brothers of Grand Canyon,” by Roger Naylor.
“Photographers Ellsworth and Emery Kolb were daredevil adventurers … equal parts artist and athlete, a dizzying combination that pushed them toward increasingly creative ways to risk their necks.” Broad Street proudly presents an excerpt from Roger Naylor’s latest book, in which the author digs into the thrilling tale of Ellsworth and Emery Kolb. In the...

Silent Histories
by Carla Dominguez Portraits have always been the most popular type of photography. Besides being an excellent preservation of our history, portraits give us permission to stare at people, quietly learning their stories. Hugh Mangum was a self-taught itinerant photographer from Durham, North Carolina who understood the truth that portraits convey. At the beginning of...

Magnifying Nature to Reveal Its Art
Karl Blossfeldt was a German photographer who, like many others, found inspiration in nature. He believed the plant “never lapses into mere arid functionalism; it fashions and shapes, according to logic and suitability, and with its primeval force, compels everything to attain the highest artistic form.” Born in 1863, Blossfeldt spent a lot of time...

Marion Post Wolcott Captures Humanity During the Great Depression
by Jamal Stone Broad Street looks back at the amazing catalogue of photography left behind by Marion Post Wolcott, who passed away twenty-four years ago this week. Wolcott’s legacy is tethered to the work of the Farm Security Administration, a Rooseveltian program meant to collectivize rural farmers in order to help them survive the Great Depression....