Proudly announcing our 2016 Pushcart nominees!
Gentle contributors and other supporters, lovers of the printed word: We are truly delighted with all the work we’ve published in 2016. It was hard to select just six pieces (the legal limit) for the annual Pushcart anthology and award series celebrating great writing, but in the end, we had to do it. So we...

Truth Teller in the Spotlight: Ron Smith.
“I say: Tell the truth and make it sing … Every time you write, do it flat out. Don’t try to be perfect. Try to be significant. Try to whack (or seduce) your reader with the truth in every line…” When we published our 2015 issue, “Maps & Legends,” former Virginia poet laureate Ron Smith was...

Summer 2016: “Maps & Legends”
OVERTURE: Every map represents both truth and imagination. No matter how carefully a medieval ship’s captain described a shoreline or how sophisticated a modern engineer’s tools, there is always space left for interpretation: “Here there be dragons”; “Somewhere beyond this line lies the kingdom of Prester John.” These are the mapmakers’ truths, but no one...