Truth Teller Spotlight: Lee Strasburger, Artist.
“To express myself in that ‘calling moment’ is to give my energy in its purest, most positive form….” Lee Strasburger is a painter, photographer, and textile artist who has mounted one-person shows in Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Her work has also been featured in group shows all over the globe. A true...

Dream Architecture: Big Houses
Prose poem by Judith Serin, art by Masami Inoue. I often dream of houses so big I must explore them. I discover boxes of old treasures, toys in a small room downstairs, a high balcony near the ceiling circled with statues and trunks of shiny dresses. Often they incorporate parts of my childhood house...

“Bedeviled”: Sample some of our personal demons here.
The third issue of Broad Street has been out for a year, filled with tales of troubles, vexations, irritations and curses. “Bedeviled” features essays and assorted musings by D. J. Lee, Alan Cheuse, Carol Moldaw, Ramsey Hootman, and Glenn H. Shepard, Jr.; poetry from Lisa Allen Ortiz, Richard Peabody, and Lea Marshall; photography by John Moser, James Prochnik, and Chad...