Two by Ron Smith: “From Around Here” and “Drought, Rome.” From “Rivals & Players.”
“You plunge into the world. You roll the dice. You make new friends, a few, or maybe none…” To enjoy this piece from “Rivals & Players” as a broadside, drag the sheet to your desktop. Or scroll down to read in plain text. From Around Here The heat, damned heat — and now humidity. A hundred-plus miles from the...

Art / Culture / Interview / memoir / News / photography / poetry / pop culture / psychology / travel
Our “Maps & Legends” issue is everywhere! Take a tour with some samples of our contents here.
Our hot summer issue, “Maps & Legends,” has landed in subscribers’ hands, delivering fresh worlds’ worth of true stories: Encounter the South-glancing Fitzgeralds, Chinese revolutions both Cultural and capitalist, prison heroin experiments, the courtship of George Washington, a young life spent traveling rivers in over fifty lands, and a cinematic effects artist who has helped create the geography of dreamy...

The Curious Case of Harper Lee vs. the County School Board
by Jamal Stone Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird has become a rite of passage for middle- and high-school students for its sensitive approach to mature topics such as racism, rape, and murder. But in 1966 some parents found its subject matter “immoral.” At least that was the reason given when Virginia’s Hanover School Board, then embroiled in the...