“I follow your trail, the scent of morning dreams
sliding into awake …”
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From the door behind the sky
slivers of light cross your tiny fingertips,
and holding on, your mouth dips down,
swallowing from a cup — a pocket of holy water.
Like a white-tailed rabbit, you zigzag and burrow.
I follow your trail, the scent of morning dreams
sliding into awake. Toe-to-heel I catch you
tucking us into a mirror. We play at rarefied heights;
snowy waves splash us with storied lace. Savoring
the world, we connect windows to galaxies,
grow trees wild with monkeys on your wall.
Reciting how the itsy bitsy spider went up
the water spout, I’m wrapped in rhyme,
cutting holes in time, spun with fading sparks —
I want to slow it down
like the light-years between stars.
The sun tilts and hazes the room. You tug
at my skirt, signaling “up” with your arms.
Your mouth to my cheek — there’s something
elemental in the way you say goodbye.

Carol Matos’s debut collection of poems, The Hush Before the Animals Attack, was published by Main Street Rag in 2013. Her poetry has appeared in 34th Parallel, Zone 3, The Comstock Review, ROOM, The Prose-Poem Project, Columbia Journal, RHINO, and The Chattahoochee Review.