We feel the need to do something. We make masks, we donate money, we protest and demonstrate … and still our spirits yearn for more. Solidarity and fellow-feeling, the companionship of … what we have, which is a computer screen, where most of us are glued all day and night.
But there are people behind the screens, and they’re ready to get personal with blog posts (some originating elsewhere) and tips and ideas and pictures to help get through this outbreak. We’re starting with notable contributors sharing pain (Valley Haggard) and two physicians explaining how the virus spreads and why you really should wear a mask (hint: it’s not for you, it’s for the ones you might unknowingly infect).
So a few times a week, as long as the experiment lasts, we will offer true stories and artwork chronicling the plague upon us. No overt political rants, no blaming x or y (mostly none) about an offense. Some agonies, some unusual hobbies.
If you’d like to show us what’s running through your mind and possibly get it up on our website. Use this email: [email protected]. We want to know about you, because–yes–we’re all in it together.