“Screaming at the Brooklyn Bridge,” a poem by Mari Pack.
Nobody wants to live with a corpse … Screaming at the Brooklyn Bridge After Robert Lowell’s “Waking in the Blue” * I weigh one hundred and five pounds after my New York breakfast of vanilla Soylent, all I can keep down these days, thanks to the anti-depressant. I swallow it, beige smoothie, every four to six hours....

“On Giving Up Antidepressants During a Pandemic,” an essay by Kirsten Parkinson.
The author goes meds-free when the world is having a major depressive episode. “Maybe depression is a normal response to a global pandemic. We don’t really have benchmarks for such an event. If I get down, what can I use to help me bounce back?” * I do not plan to cry. I am lying on...

“Amazon Package,” a poem by Mari Pack.
What to do with what we have ordered. “I said, Fix me.” Amazon Package . I wanted a thing in the shape of a Yom Kippur fast, smelling of hands clasped in anguish. I bought it online. The package slid up and down in various directions . on black belts in one of Amazon’s famous fulfillment centers...

From Our Pages: “Chastity Belt Included,” a memoir by Ramsey Hootman.
BROAD STREET presents the amazing true tale of a young woman who guarded her virginity “for religious reasons,” only to find herself completely flummoxed on her wedding night. It was not a matter of technique, nor of sympathy on her husband’s part … Mother Nature had already put a mysterious, painful guard in place. ...