From Our Pages: “An Affair of Youth” … In search of flappers, belles, and the first grave of the Fitzgeralds, by Bryant Mangum.
In 1970, three avid young Fitzgerald scholars took a joy ride in search of Scott and Zelda’s first resting-place. One result is the only known published photo of that original gravesite, which appeared first in Broad Street‘s “Maps & Legends” issue … Finally Rick struck a match by a gravestone and yelled, “They’re here!” … Things...

Truth Teller Spotlight: Bryant Mangum, belle-lettrist, scholar, storyteller.
“I often wonder if I am violating the sanctity of the hearts of the writers I teach and write about when my research carries me into the details of their private lives …” Bryant Mangum sees himself mostly as a scholar — and he is in fact an eminent expert on F. Scott Fitzgerald in particular and the...

Art / Culture / Interview / memoir / News / photography / poetry / pop culture / psychology / travel
Our “Maps & Legends” issue is everywhere! Take a tour with some samples of our contents here.
Our hot summer issue, “Maps & Legends,” has landed in subscribers’ hands, delivering fresh worlds’ worth of true stories: Encounter the South-glancing Fitzgeralds, Chinese revolutions both Cultural and capitalist, prison heroin experiments, the courtship of George Washington, a young life spent traveling rivers in over fifty lands, and a cinematic effects artist who has helped create the geography of dreamy...

Proudly announcing our 2016 Pushcart nominees!
Gentle contributors and other supporters, lovers of the printed word: We are truly delighted with all the work we’ve published in 2016. It was hard to select just six pieces (the legal limit) for the annual Pushcart anthology and award series celebrating great writing, but in the end, we had to do it. So we...