From Our Pages: “An Affair of Youth” … In search of flappers, belles, and the first grave of the Fitzgeralds, by Bryant Mangum.
In 1970, three avid young Fitzgerald scholars took a joy ride in search of Scott and Zelda’s first resting-place. One result is the only known published photo of that original gravesite, which appeared first in Broad Street‘s “Maps & Legends” issue … Finally Rick struck a match by a gravestone and yelled, “They’re here!” … Things...

Art / Culture / Interview / memoir / News / photography / poetry / pop culture / psychology / travel
Our “Maps & Legends” issue is everywhere! Take a tour with some samples of our contents here.
Our hot summer issue, “Maps & Legends,” has landed in subscribers’ hands, delivering fresh worlds’ worth of true stories: Encounter the South-glancing Fitzgeralds, Chinese revolutions both Cultural and capitalist, prison heroin experiments, the courtship of George Washington, a young life spent traveling rivers in over fifty lands, and a cinematic effects artist who has helped create the geography of dreamy...