creativity / current events / life in 10 minutes / loss / love / quarantine / quarantine / spirituality / Writing
“Forced Surrender,” by Valley Haggard. Digging deep in quarantine and recovery.
“… you have to start to take it one day, one hour, one minute at a time just like you did in the first days of sobriety and childbirth and your very own brand-new unfamiliar life.” . When the gratitude lists and the shit lists are coming faster than you can write them down. When...

Contributor news: Valley Haggard’s new book, new ventures, excerpts, praise, info.
“When we surrender our weapons, our true writing and our true selves begin to emerge in our lives and on the page in a way that is brave, beautiful …” Valley Haggard is one of her hometown’s best-loved heroines, both for her own writing and for the programs she’s founded to help others find their...