Share This Poem: “His Word in Rural Illinois,” by Ellen Stone.
“… woman’s body like a metal safe — these flatlands …” Our “Small Things, Partial Cures” theme continues with a remarkable poem by Ellen Stone. You can download and print a full-size broadside by clicking on the first version below — or scroll down to read in plain format. His Word in Rural Illinois By Ellen Stone Red-winged blackbirds...

Share This Poem: “Flask,” by Ellen Stone.
“Flash of guilt or sorrow though the glass is smooth …” Our “Small Things, Partial Cures” theme offers a second poem by Ellen Stone. You can download a full-size broadside by clicking and dragging the formatted version below — or scroll down to read in plain format. This poem is also on Medium, in slightly different format. Flask...

Spotlight Interview: Erica Hoverter, Mosaic Artist.
“The excitement I feel when I walk by a shimmering glass mosaic … when the light changes, the feeling changes — it’s living glass. It’s beautiful, and one of the most satisfying materials to work with.” “Scheherazade,” detail. Mixed media, 2006. Erica Hoverter became a mosaic artist in 2002, after a back injury put her previous career in physical therapy on...

It starts with a small thing and the cure is elusive: “The Science Isn’t Settled on Chronic Lyme,” by Maya Dusenbery and Julie Rehmeyer on Slate.com.
Caused by bacteria from a tiny tick bite, Lyme Disease is the very definition of a small thing with (at best) a partial cure for most people–especially women, who are often dismissed instead of treated. The authors explain the dangers of both the disease and its reception in the medical community. Read “The Science...