Author Archive
"Dream Geographies:  Dream Mountains," by Judith Serin and Masami Inoue.

“Dream Geographies: Dream Mountains,” by Judith Serin and Masami Inoue.

“Again it’s an issue of direction…. The road curves and ahead a mountain looms….” In keeping with our “Maps & Legends” seasonal theme, BROAD STREET presents the next dreamy collaboration between poet Judith Serin and artist Masami Inoue.  Serin’s actual dreams point to reality in some uncharted territory that Inoue’s watercolors begin to map. You can print out a broadside by...
Speaking about Submissions ... New Themes Announced!

Speaking about Submissions … New Themes Announced!

Gentle contributors, present and future! We’ve been in a reading frenzy these days. We are reveling in the submissions currently on Submittable and looking forward to what we might find for our next themes: *Rivals & Players  *Birth, School, Work, Death *It’s a Sunshine Day (new!) *Control (new!) Read more about these themes below. *...
"Paging All Doctors: There's a Better Way to Treat the Opioid-Addiction Crisis"--Dr. Leslie Hayes

“Paging All Doctors: There’s a Better Way to Treat the Opioid-Addiction Crisis”–Dr. Leslie Hayes

“In 25 years of practice, no one has ever thanked me for bringing their blood pressure under control. However, at least once a month, one of my patients with opiate use disorder thanks me for saving their life….” Photo Credit: Steven St. John for STAT News. Dr. Leslie Hayes is a family physician in Española, New Mexico, where...
Share This Poem:  "While you were sleeping," by Marylen Grigas.

Share This Poem: “While you were sleeping,” by Marylen Grigas.

    Click above to see the poem in a printer-friendly, larger-font version, or scroll down past the bylines for plain text. Marylen Grigas is the author of  the poetry collection  Shift, out this fall from Nature’s Face publishers.  Her poems have recently been published in The New Yorker, Alaska Quarterly Review, and Circulo de Poesia. She lives in Vermont and works at an architectural...
FLAR (Fredericksburg Literary & Art Review) digs into BROAD STREET.

FLAR (Fredericksburg Literary & Art Review) digs into BROAD STREET.

Ever wonder what goes into producing a print magazine and keeping it in the public eye during the internet age?  How about the ways a website and a print organ can support each other? So glad you asked!  And glad, too, that A. E. Bayne of  Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review sat down for a chat about...