Holiday Reading: “Dancing in Their Heads,” on The Nutcracker and the production of girlhood. By Gregory Weatherford.
Chances are that the next weeks will bring a bit of Nutcracker into your life. We offer some perspective with Gregory Weatherford’s article about a troupe of ballerinas on the cusp of womanhood, competing for roles in the famous ballet about the hard-jawed hero. By Greg Weatherford. Most of the ballerinas are girls between the ages of...

Share this Poem: “Notes From a Capricious Correspondent,” by Marylen Grigas
Step into the bath, she insists. Let your tangled hair stream around you … With both joy and a tinge of melancholy, BROAD STREET presents the final installment of Marylen Grigas’s poetic series about illness, art, and hope, illustrated by Riley McAlpine-Barthold. We’ve loved these poems; we hope you have too. Click...

From Our Pages: “The Dance Vanishes / The Poem Remains,” by Lea Marshall.
“I can’t talk about what I have just seen, nor explain why it has moved me. I can only weep and stagger up the street … my command of language has failed. The dance has won.” “The Dance Vanishes / The Poem Remains” first appeared in our “Bedeviled” issue in 2015 and has been...