“It Wasn’t Until …,” a memoir by Beth Uznis Johnson. On becoming essential during Covid-19.
“Even though the facility had kept the virus out of the building so far, the pandemic was killing my dad.” The author with her father, just days before he died. The first time I saw my father at his memory care facility, after ten weeks of Covid-19 lockdown, he sat at the breakfast table, slumped in his...

“Going Home in the New Normal,” an essay by Joe Milan, Jr.
A young family takes a risk to return from abroad. “In the last few years, when I’ve gone abroad it has become an increasingly bigger test of courage to state I’m from the U.S.” The New York Times maintains an interactive daily global virus tracker at https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/world/coronavirus-maps.html. Shortly before leaving England, I took my daughter to our...

Contributor News: Judith Sara Gelt’s first memoir is published.
“A powerful and heartrending story of personal recovery.” —Kirkus Reviews Judith Sara Gelt’s essay “A Pious Fraud” appeared in our very first issue, Dangerous Territory. Now her memoir, Reckless Steps Toward Sanity, has been published by University of New Mexico Press. We’ll let the publisher describe it: At sixteen Judith Sara Gelt finally rebels after spending years watching her...

awards / Coronavirus / COVID-19 / creativity / current events / essays / family / memoir / poetry / religion / school / spirituality
Our Best of the Net nominations, 2020.
We give thanks for good work in a difficult time. Image: Jefferson Davis statue on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia. Photograph by Gregory Weatherford. We at Broad Street are proud of everything we publish, and we wish we could nominate all of it for every award out there. Alas, we can choose only a handful....

“I Don’t Want to Go Back,” by Zibby Owens.
A New Yorker contemplates back-to-school season from the countryside–a mother’s call to arms. “I want to do the right thing. I just don’t know exactly what that is right now.” * I don’t want to go back. As a lifelong New Yorker, I hate to admit that. But it’s true. I’m worried. Worried about what will happen...