Contributor News: Announcing Dawn Whitmore’s solo show, “A house is like a mind that holds everything.”
Visual artist Dawn Whitmore, whose photo essay on Alaska’s northernmost town was featured in our “Hunt, Gather” issue, has a solo show opening in Arlington, Virginia, on October 13. “A house is like a mind that holds everything” will be at the Arlington Arts Center until December 15, 2018. Dawn has written of the show:...

Online Exclusive: “Mad Heat Be Praised,” by Kat Meads.
“Mad Heat Be Praised” An excerpt from Miss Jane: The Lost Years. “Has mad heat created Zombie Jane?” Kat Meads, who contributed “Leaving the House” to Broad Street’s “Maps & Legends” issue, bids adieu to summer swelter with an excerpt from her latest book combining women’s studies and fiction, Miss Jane: The Lost Years. A native...

Contributor News: Caitlin Hamilton Summie Takes Silver in the Indie Awards.
BROAD STREET congratulates Caitlin Hamilton Summie, whose 2017 book, To Lay to Rest Our Ghosts, just earned the Silver Medal for Short Stories in the Forewords Review Indie Awards series. “10 stories, 1 book, 25 years in the making …” After decades in publishing, where she carved out a niche as one of the industry’s top publicists and marketing...

Contributor news: Valley Haggard’s new book, new ventures, excerpts, praise, info.
“When we surrender our weapons, our true writing and our true selves begin to emerge in our lives and on the page in a way that is brave, beautiful …” Valley Haggard is one of her hometown’s best-loved heroines, both for her own writing and for the programs she’s founded to help others find their...