advertising / cultural studies / essays / loss / love / memoir / photography / poetry / reportage / women / working
Issue 3.2, “Rivals & Players,” is LIVE: Sample the Contents here now.
Issue 3.2, “Rivals & Players,” is live: Sample the Contents here. Presenting words and images from our Winter 2019 issue--all online and completely free to read. Do we play the game, or does the game play us? What do we see when we spin Fortune’s wheel? Who’s watching, anyway? And when are they coming for us? In...

Truth Teller Spotlight: Julie Anderson, memoir and cultural reportage.
“Good writing is honest writing, but honesty is hard to come by.” Julie Anderson contributed the essay (a combination of memoir and reportage) “It Cannot Be Conceived: American Idealists in Two Chinese Revolutions, Cultural and Capitalist” to our “Maps & Legends” issue. Her essays and stories have appeared in The Gettysburg Review, Writers on the Job,...

anthropology / Art / belles lettres / current events / editing / essays / History / memoir / photography / poetry / psychology / reportage / submissions / truth / Writing
Speaking about Submissions … New Themes Announced!
Gentle contributors, present and future! We’ve been in a reading frenzy these days. We are reveling in the submissions currently on Submittable and looking forward to what we might find for our next themes: *Rivals & Players *Birth, School, Work, Death *It’s a Sunshine Day (new!) *Control (new!) Read more about these themes below. *...