News: “Ghosts of the Walldogs,” by Michael Griffith, was named Notable in this year’s Best American Essays.
Congratulations to Michael Griffith! If you haven’t read his fantastic piece about advertising and the way it shapes us … and has made its mark on the architecture around Cincinnati … take a look now! Lavishly illustrated and part of Michael’s latest book, due out next year. Read “Ghosts of the Walldogs” here. *...

“Home and Office,” by Sarah Waring.
A British transplant is thrust into telecommuting while sheltering in place. GetVoip.co Three keys and one door never before unlocked: I look at the options in my hands, their golden weight full of promise and yet trepidation. My first choice seems given — the key with the worn, plastic cap has to be the one. A woman standing...

“Pandemic Vices,” a memoir by Colleen Curran.
Aspirations become fixations. “I won’t die,” I tell him. “Not for a long, long time. Not until you’re ready.” Photographs by the author. It felt strange at first. Novel. To be alive in the time of a crisis, a pandemic, a real-life Day of the Dead, only different. This one a silent stalker, marked by a dry...

“Birth, School, Work, Death”: Contents & Contributors for Summer/Fall 2019.
We present our Summer/Fall 2019 issue–“Birth, School, Work, Death” … Four phases of life, with the beauty in the details. If you wish, you can go to the Table of Contents and Contributors’ Notes on Medium here: Contents. All of our features are published there, too. Here’s what you’ll find in this issue … All...

“I Got Grown,” a memoir by Joe Milan, Jr.
A young man starts his working life where others’ lives end. “We worked well together. We hustled. We batched. We finished our tasks quickly, all the while head-banging to Alice in Chains or nodding to the Ray Brown Trio. I thought I’d finally found my stride.” Kachina doll class. Photograph by Chad Hunt. I Got Grown In the year...