The complicated quest to conceive. “To be barren was like having leprosy …” Image by Matthew Henry. We used to joke about being barren. Before we started trying to have a baby, when we were just talking about it, my partner and I would see in everything signs that I was barren and laugh. To be barren...
On death and the spirit. “ … winds can visit my carcass plus perhaps maybe recall us dust to dust to dust …” You can enjoy this poem as a broadside by dragging the image below to your desktop — or scroll down to read as regular text. Holy Smoke Vanities – i. Delusions of Grandeur R.I.P Tom Wolfe, 1931–2018 Snubbed, existing barely,...
Susann Cokal, who contributed “Making Friends with Midge” to our first issue–and who serves as Broad Street‘s Editorial Director–won the Gemini Magazine 2019 Fiction Prize for her story “A Spoon Will Catch the Dark Girls’ Pain.” – “A Spoon Will Catch” is a look at the life of J. Marion Sims, often called the Father of Modern...
“I imagined his losses as paving stones, each appearing one after the other, each the dispossession of a dream, a hope.” Pride. Photo by the author. – Kuan Yin I was such a newbie, arriving in San Francisco on a rare sunlit afternoon in mid-November 1983. A picaro of sorts, by way of trust-fund-baby hippie communes and other,...
Life, death, transfiguration. “It was to be a good death, a clean death, a loving death …” — 1. October 11, 1970 I am in my first-grade classroom in Lexington Park, Maryland. The teacher has made a space capsule from a card table and blanket. Inside are two children picked to be astronauts, a boy...