“My Internship at Tiffany’s,” by Julie Anderson–featured at “Writers on the Job.”
“Who were these elegant ladies who brushed past me, perusing the display cases as casually as if they were shopping for dinner? At Christmas-time, these women wore fur coats and heels and somehow they just looked like money. My mother was beautiful, too, but even as a small child, I could tell the difference between her fake...

Art / Culture / current events / essays / History / memoir / News / photography / poetry / pop culture / truth / Writing
New Pages reviews our “Maps & Legends.”
Thanks to NEW PAGES for the thoughtful review of our summer 2016 issue, with special praise for essays by Julie Anderson and Bea Chang, a poem by Ron Smith, and Bradley Dicharry’s photo essay featuring vernacular sign design (see some of his images with this post). * Read the full review here. And enjoy...

From Our Pages: “Holy War: Ramadan and race riots in Senegal,” by Patricia Smith.
BROAD STREET presents this essay (recipient of a Special Mention from the Pushcart editors) from our “Hunt, Gather” issue (fall/winter 2014) … Here’s what happened during one holy season when Patricia Smith, a Fulbright scholar in Senegal, found a sudden war erupting in the small village where she’d been teaching high schoolers and immersing herself in the...

“Dream Moon”: A collaboration between poet Judith Serin and artist Masami Inoue.
“The images shift, sometimes designs embossed on the sphere, sometimes a movie. The moon keeps on telling its shifting stories, image after image, throughout the night …” Herewith, BROAD STREET presents the sixth and final installment of this spring’s “Dream Geographies” series, showcasing the dreams of poet Judith Serin and artist Masami Inoue … Follow the links below...

“Dream Geographies: Dream Mountains,” by Judith Serin and Masami Inoue.
“Again it’s an issue of direction…. The road curves and ahead a mountain looms….” In keeping with our “Maps & Legends” seasonal theme, BROAD STREET presents the next dreamy collaboration between poet Judith Serin and artist Masami Inoue. Serin’s actual dreams point to reality in some uncharted territory that Inoue’s watercolors begin to map. You can print out a broadside by...