“Waiting,” from the COVID journals of Patricia Smith.
On waiting — and moving forward — in a pandemic. “Experience tells me the world is not always a safe place, and yet — “ I know there should be a holiness in waiting. In learning to be still, to learn the lesson that we are not in control. This is, after all, what advent is all about. We wait and...

“Commitment: on consigning a wife to others’ care.” A love story by Walter Cummins.
“She wasn’t dangerous to anyone, not in the sense that the legal test implied. The actual danger lay in what living with an insane woman was doing to our daughters and me …” BROAD STREET presents Walter Cummins’s essay from our summer 2018 issue, “Small Things, Partial Cures,” in its entirety — a memoir of psychosis that eats...

From Our Pages: “Chastity Belt Included,” a memoir by Ramsey Hootman.
BROAD STREET presents the amazing true tale of a young woman who guarded her virginity “for religious reasons,” only to find herself completely flummoxed on her wedding night. It was not a matter of technique, nor of sympathy on her husband’s part … Mother Nature had already put a mysterious, painful guard in place. ...

Share This Poem: “Archeology,” by Jill Dery.
“Late at night we’d waken— someone hooting, scotch glass clinking, hi fi needle at the end and rasping.” Welcome to a cocktail party hosted by poet Jill Dery’s parents, circa 1960. You can print out the broadside here–or scroll down to see the poem in plain format. May the spirit of Sinatra smile upon...

“My Internship at Tiffany’s,” by Julie Anderson–featured at “Writers on the Job.”
“Who were these elegant ladies who brushed past me, perusing the display cases as casually as if they were shopping for dinner? At Christmas-time, these women wore fur coats and heels and somehow they just looked like money. My mother was beautiful, too, but even as a small child, I could tell the difference between her fake...