“10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know about F. Scott Fitzgerald,” by David S. Brown, from PublishersWeekly.com
Intriguing facts about the great author revealed in David S. Brown’s new book on FSF … Everyone knows F. Scott Fitzgerald. He is variously remembered as the “Great American Dreamer,” the author of The Great Gatsby, and the man who coined the phrase “Jazz Age.” Fitzgerald was a literary celebrity in that dubious industry’s infancy...

anthropology / Art / belles lettres / current events / editing / essays / History / memoir / photography / poetry / psychology / reportage / submissions / truth / Writing
Speaking about Submissions … New Themes Announced!
Gentle contributors, present and future! We’ve been in a reading frenzy these days. We are reveling in the submissions currently on Submittable and looking forward to what we might find for our next themes: *Rivals & Players *Birth, School, Work, Death *It’s a Sunshine Day (new!) *Control (new!) Read more about these themes below. *...

Art / belles lettres / creativity / Culture / editing / News / poetry / pop culture / psychology / publishing / truth / Writing
Onward into 2017!
It’s a new year, perhaps a fraught year, but one that is bringing good things to us at Broad Street. For one thing, we have added illustrious members to our editorial staff: Gretchen Comba (read her “Truth Teller Spotlight“), Katy Resch George, and Siddiqah Mujahid. Welcome to them! And we’re thrilled to be working on...

From Our Pages: “The Dance Vanishes / The Poem Remains,” by Lea Marshall.
“I can’t talk about what I have just seen, nor explain why it has moved me. I can only weep and stagger up the street … my command of language has failed. The dance has won.” “The Dance Vanishes / The Poem Remains” first appeared in our “Bedeviled” issue in 2015 and has been...

Illustrating the Poem that Records the Dream: An Interview with Collaborators Judith Serin and Masami Inoue
“Dreams seem to like it when you pay attention to them, and they get more and more vivid …” At Broad Street, we’re all about telling true stories in multiple forms. We have big dreams. So do poet Judith Serin and artist Masami Inoue. For some time now, Judith has been working on a series of prose...