Adieu, and Be Well ... Broad Street is now closed.

Adieu, and Be Well … Broad Street is now closed.

One last time, and forever, we thank all of our contributors, our readers, our boards, and our editorial staff over the last almost-decade. We had a great run and published so much of which we are deeply proud. We started laying plans in 2011 with a dream and a shoestring...
“You Want Me to Be Happy About Dying” — an essay by Ramona Grigg.

“You Want Me to Be Happy About Dying” — an essay by Ramona Grigg.

Reflections on life, afterlife, and the reality of the dark, dark passage. “Nothing in my life will be erased after I die.” Photo by the author. To most of you out there, I’m old. I’m so old, odds are I’ll probably die soon. You can think on that for a few seconds and move...
“The Politics of Art, 2020”: Our interview with Alexandra Blum, mixed-media artist.

“The Politics of Art, 2020”: Our interview with Alexandra Blum, mixed-media artist.

A pandemic and other global breakdowns inspire a visual journal of diverse styles and influences. “I think for me what is interesting about this series of work is the diversity of voices within myself.” “Vitriol.” Editors’ Note: Alexandra (Ali) Blum is a California-based artist who draws on influences from around the...
Taking Down the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia: On Civil War monuments, graffiti art, and protest. Photos by John Moser. 

Taking Down the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia: On Civil War monuments, graffiti art, and protest. Photos by John Moser. 

 The BLM movement is writ large on the Civil War monuments of the Confederacy’s former capital. And now some controversial statues are being removed. “We Just Want Justice,” protesters and graffiti at the base of the Robert E. Lee statue. Broad Street’s home is in Richmond, Virginia, where Jefferson Davis once presided...
From the COVID Journals of Lise Haines.

From the COVID Journals of Lise Haines.

On learning that she should sacrifice herself for the good of the public. On the television this morning, an idea was floated with great sincerity. I could sacrifice myself for the public good. If anyone had to get sick or starve or die from a lack of oxygen, I was...
Latest entries
“We Were Working Moms." An essay by Colleen Curran from "Rivals & Players."

“We Were Working Moms.” An essay by Colleen Curran from “Rivals & Players.”

“Then we picked it up again. To begin the elaborate game. Of working motherhood …” Broad Street presents a feature from our Winter/Spring 2019 issue, “Rivals & Players.” Bees and pollen in artificial honeycomb. Photo by Chad Hunt. “We Were Working Moms.” By Colleen Curran We were always running around. Packing school lunches while trying to get dressed for...
"The Museum of Teeth," an essay on an incomplete collection. By Emily Woodworth.

“The Museum of Teeth,” an essay on an incomplete collection. By Emily Woodworth.

“Over the years I have discovered that they are sneaky, nomadic little creeps.” Tooth worms causing pain in the 1700s. Ivory carving. From “Rivals & Players,” our Winter 2019 issue. The Museum of Teeth By Emily Woodworth  In the drawer beside her sock drawer, my mom keeps a small plastic bag full of baby teeth. Actually, make that...
Contributor News: Walter Cummins publishes a new book of essays.

Contributor News: Walter Cummins publishes a new book of essays.

Walter Cummins’s latest book is a collection of essays, Death, Cancer, Madness, Meaning, just published in Spring 2019 with del Sol Press. In it you’ll find the essay he contributed to our “Small Things, Partial Cures” issue: “Commitment,” a memoir of consigning a beloved wife to the care of an institution. Read that heartbreaking essay here–then buy...
Share This Poem: "Cryptozoology in South Jersey," by Ron Block. From "Rivals & Players."

Share This Poem: “Cryptozoology in South Jersey,” by Ron Block. From “Rivals & Players.”

“they come to us like the memories of our children do …”   Enjoy this poem from our Winter/Spring 2019 issue as a broadside that you can drag to your desktop and enlarge or print–or scroll down to read as plain text. Cryptozoology in South Jersey – One night, our children see a creature move across...
Share This Poem: "Between Two Darknesses," by Jed Myers. From our "Rivals and Players" issue.

Share This Poem: “Between Two Darknesses,” by Jed Myers. From our “Rivals and Players” issue.

“Peace at just a little distance — wouldn’t that be nice?”   It’s still National Poetry Month, and BROAD STREET presents this broadside featuring a poem from our Winter/Spring 2019 issue, “Rivals & Players.” Drag the broadside to your desktop to blow up, print, and otherwise enjoy; or simply scroll down to read in plain text.   Between Two...